Update #3
Hey guys! I just wanted to apologise for the lack of reviews I've been posting lately. The truth is, I've been reading 'Gone' by Michael Grant and as you can tell by my slowly updated 'currently reading' section over there -> I'm finding it hard. I've never struggled with a book before, not even that abysmal piece of literature(which it, my dear friends is not a piece of literature in my POV) 'The Dark Heroine'. I'm not sure what the problem is exactly. It's not that I don't like the book per-say, I'm not loving it but I don't dislike it, I think I may be experiencing what they call 'reader's block' for the first time ever in my short life-span. Actually that can't be it as I've re-read the Lux series over the past few days as I eagerly await 'Origin', so really my dear friends, I haven't a clue what's wrong with me. It's not normal I can tell you that much. In other news, I bought myself a 'Nook Simple touch' E-reader in the hopes of sparking my interest in this novel I may buy the e-book and read it when my 'Nook' arrives, which will hopefully be this time next week. Also it was a steal at £29 from asda.com! *Sigh* I can't wait. Also I am a tad disappointed as I went to 'The Works' bookstore I think it's called in Bambridge, bought myself three new books, me being a savvy reader, I checked the inside cover of them to make sure they weren't from the middle of a series, no mention of them in the lists so I presumed I was safe. Oh I came to rue the day that I didn't double-check with my Goodreads app. SADNESS :( One of the books, 'Fireproof' by Alex Kava was the TENTH book in the series. The TENTH. Do I need to say it again? TENTH! How in the name of sweet alien babies everywhere could the publishers not put that into the list at the front of the book? ISN'T THAT THE POINT?! Turns out the second book I purchased 'Rapture' by J. R. Ward was the fourth in the series. *Curls up in a ball in the corner and cries her eyes out* Like why would the powers that be(publishers) do this to me? I haven't checked my last one cause I'm afraid.
Good God child pull yourself together, this is a first world problem. Won't be up North (Northern Ireland) for a couple of weeks to return them. I may just read them anyway to spite the publishers. We'll see. Rant over. Another one of my favourite, 110% relevant rants from good ol' Xtinemay is below :)
Until next time x
Tyra has an emotion for everything. |
Until next time x