Working Stiff by Rachel Caine(Book Review)
Series: The Revivalist Series #1
Release Date: 2nd of August 2011
Pages: 473
Genres: Fantasy, Horror, Zombie.
Websites: Amazon(Com) Amazon(UK) Author Fansite
Blurb: 'It's a tough job but somebody's got to do it - dead or alive.
Bryn Davis knows working at Fairview Mortuary isn't the most glamorous career choice, but at least it offers stable employment - until she discovers her bosses using a drug that resurrects the clientele.
Now Bryn faces being terminated...literally. Bryn is given the chance to take down the bigger problem, pharmaceutical company Pharmadene, which treats death as the ultimate corporate loyalty program. She'd better do it fast before she becomes a zombie slave.
A real working stiff.'
Cover: That red leather shirt is so tacky. Other than that I've no complaints when it comes to the cover. It's very similar to the cover of Rachel Caine's other books.
Plot: Basically, without spoiling to many plot-lines, what happens in this book is: Bryn comes back from the Army, decides to work in Fairview mortuary. Discovers that her boss is an underground drug lord. He is using a drug called Returnè to resurrect his clients(the dead one's) and charges them lots of money to stay 'living'. And in all fairness, who wouldn't pay to see their family again?? Anywho, when Bryn finds out, she is murdered and resurrected as a way of keeping her 'loyal' to the company who created the drug, Pharmadene. I mean, who's going to bite the hand of the company who's supplying the drug keeping you alive? So to cut a long(473 pages) story short, the plot follows Bryn as she tries to take down the supplier of Returnè in Fairview Mortuary and the 'bigger fish' Pharmadene.
Likes: I liked Joe Fideli as a possible love interest for Bryn. Then I figured out he wasn't supposed to be the love interest. Boo. I guess Mcallister is okay. I'm not crazy about him or anything. But he'll do. I think that's about it.
Dislikes: On to the more important section. There were quite a few things that bothered me about this book. First of all the lame love interest, bring back Fideli. Second, Bryn has just come back from serving in the army(I think it was) and yet she's as helpless as a kid. She just lets herself get beat up in this book, like a bloody damsel in distress. Now I don't mind the whole DID in female characters if it weren't for point one. I DON'T WANT MCALLISTER TO SAVE HER. He's as a dry as a Weetabix.(You know the breakfast cereal) Bring in a new character. Lastly the plot doesn't look good for Bryn. It's quite depressing really. Either she stops taking the drug and dies, or she lives forever as a 26 year old that could decompose if she doesn't get her daily dosage of Returnè, OR they create a drug that basically makes her normal again and then we're back at square one. Huh. What is the point then??
Verdict: Bryn wasn't believable as a character, I didn't really care if she lived or died(again) which is never good. We had no good material as a book boyfriend which is just a cruel and unusual punishment. I'm going to give it a 3/10. So no I didn't really enjoy this book. No sequel for me :D